Thursday 27 October 2016

Stunning Women Sing “Amazing Grace ” Their A Capella Voices Are Impossibly Beautiful

The a cappella music genre is getting more attention and popularity every year. Groups from all around aim to create instrumental music using only their vocals… It’s simply a fantastic art form. Brigham Young University’s women’s a cappella group,Noteworthy, has created a name for itself by perfecting this art form and sharing their music with the world.

An all-female group, Noteworthy covers everything from pop to rock. In the performance below, the 9 singers cover the famous hymn, “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone),” with elegance and perfection. With a gorgeous arrangement and an stripped-down performance, the women create a truly captivating version of the song. The music video is equally chills-worthy as the beautiful young woman walk through a forest in white, looking angelic as they sing in perfect harmony.
In their moving yet peaceful cover, you can clearly hear the emotion and skill behind every note and word. The video has well over 13 million views on YouTube, and it’s easy to see (and hear) why Noteworthy’s beautiful song has touched so many.
Watch their amazing rendition below.
Share Noteworthy’s song to give new life to this classic hymn today!

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